Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Overview Part 3

Why do we choose to experience a world and then choose to not interact in truly meaningful or constructive ways? Why is discovering and sharing who we truly are seen to be so dangerous? Why are we becoming more and more risk averse? Why do we aspire to earn an afterlife, which we cannot experience in this life, at the expense of truly living the life we do have right now? Even if this life is just an experience in a larger life/thought process, why should we throw away all the good and wonderful experiences to be shared in the here and now to try and earn a better life in the hereafter? If there is an “afterlife”, then what better proof that we never needed material bodies in the first place. If we are purely spiritual beings, then matter must be a manifestation of thought and therefore subject to the control of the thinkers – us. Thus there is, in truth, no “afterlife” – just a continuation of life from a different viewpoint.

Even physical science seems to be pointing toward the mental creation and control of matter. Physicists have discovered smaller and smaller particles of matter to the point where they have shown that there are particles of matter that seem to only appear when they are actively looking for them, and to not exist otherwise. They go on to state that although these particles are the building blocks of all matter, they cannot explain why they only appear when someone is actively trying to perceive them. The most simple and straightforward answer to this is that mind, thought, spiritual perception – call it what you will – is the creator of matter in its most basic forms and the only cause. By the act of searching, we create – however unconsciously – the material existence, which we currently experience as life. Science also now indicates the possibility – even the probability - of alternate universes where everything that does not seem to happen or exist in this universe does exist and thrive. We are told that although we “know” that matter exists, we cannot yet determine what organizes it into the world we experience, or the bodies and individualities with which we experience this universe. I cannot see any other explanation for the existence and experience of matter than Thought. Therefore, to truly evolve, we must learn to take this creative process from the unconscious to the conscious and unleash the unlimited potential of thought and experience.

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